On Error GoTo 0
The On Error GoTo 0 statement turns off error trapping. Then the On Error Resume Next statement is used to defer error trapping so that the context for the error generated by the next statement can be known for certain. Note that Err.Clear is used to clear the Err object’s properties after the error is handled.
On Error Resume Next
The On Error Resume Next construct may be preferable to On Error GoTo when handling errors generated during access to other objects. Checking Err after each interaction with an object removes ambiguity about which object was accessed by the code. You can be sure which object placed the error code in Err.Number, as well as which object originally generated the error (the object specified in Err.Source).
访问对象时要使用这种形式而不使用 On Error GoTo。
On Error GoTo line
To prevent error-handling code from running when no error has occurred, place an Exit Sub, Exit Function, or Exit Property statement immediately before the error-handling routine.
启动错误处理程序,且该例程从必要的 line
如果发生一个运行时错误,则控件会跳到 line
指定的 line
必须在一个过程中,这个过程与 On Error 语句相同; 否则会发生编译时间错误。
(和Exit Sub连用)
On Error Resume Next